Hair Restoration

Are you experiencing excessive hair loss or a receding hairline? Our Natural Growth Factor treatments might be for you!
This three-step procedure helps restore hair loss by using growth factors extracted from your own blood. A centrifuge spins rapidly to separate the concentrated plasma from the blood after it has been drawn and placed in a centrifuge. Hair growth is stimulated by injecting this concentrated plasma back into your scalp after it has been extracted.
The initial treatment usually lasts around 4 to 6 weeks and is then followed by maintenance treatments as necessary for about 4 to 6 months. However, for the best results and highest chance of success rate, we recommend having at least three treatments with a 4 to a 6-week gap between every session!
Interested in Hair loss treatments with Natural Growth Factors? Book a consultation to get started!
Hair Grow Treatment Treatment | Artisan Aesthetics | Ajax, ON | Port Hope, ON

All Facials Start With A Skindeep Skin Analyzer

This complimentary service is provided during your Skin Consultation to help us further understand your skin’s current health, discover any conditions you may be dealing with and establish the best plan for you to achieve your skin goals.
Book your Facial appointment with Artisan Aesthetics today by clicking the Book Now button.

Hair Restoration

$800/session | Package of 3 $2000

Hair Restoration with PRP

Rejuvenate hair follicles and get thicker, fuller, and darker hair with this unique hair restoration treatment!


Deoxycholic acid helps the body to break down and absorb dietary fat. When injected under the chin, it destroys fat cells, which can no longer store fat, resulting in an apparent reduction in fat and a slimmer chin.
Your treatment plan for deoxycholic acid injections will be customized so you can achieve optimal results. There are typically six sessions, recurring monthly for up to six months, which may vary, depending on the patient.
The results of deoxycholic acid treatment vary from patient to patient, but you should see results after the second treatment. 
The fat will be permanently eliminated by destroying the fat cells under the chin with deoxycholic acid. the fat can no longer be stored or accumulated in that area. Upon reaching your desired results, no additional treatments will be necessary, and your chin profile will remain permanently slim.

Make the most out of your treatment by learning more here.

Learn about payment options and financing here and you can apply today!

Self-care starts here

Book a consultation through the link below and treat yourself to some well deserved pampering. Your skin will thank us later!

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